The Mona Lisa Molecule Answers

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† Check the answer by making sure the cross products are equal. Percents 281 From Lesson 5-5 13. Art Helen is copying a printed reproduction of the Mona Lisa. The print is 24 in. If Helen’s canvas is 12 in. Wide, how tall should her canvas be? Slowly read the exercise again. Reading and Writing Math 6 Try This CHAPTER. “Th e Mona Lisa Molecule” by Karobi Moitra Page 7 Dear Diary: Today Jim and Francis solved the mystery of life itself. Using Rosy’s data (possibly unknown to her!), they refi ned the backbone of DNA on their model to the precise measurements suggested by her work. Answer the following basic questions regarding the structure of DNA: a. N ame the type of bond that holds the two strands of DNA together. “ e Mona Lisa Molecule” by Karobi Moitra. The cask of amontillado essay thesis case lisa study answer mona key molecule The a person whom you dislike essay, my childhood life essay introduction essay on gatsby. How to write an essay for a test essay on working women's life: nyu stern college essays. The mona lisa molecule case study answer key Human and machine errors due to transcription and transposition mistakes, as well as server and network communication issues, can burn holes in your ticket revenue, lower compliance and create a negative customer experience.

Simone Athayde

University of Florida
Mentor: Pat Marsteller

Simone is developing a new Tropical Conservation and Development foundational course on “Interdisciplinary Research and Practice Between the Biophysical and the Social Sciences. She plans to develop problem-based learning by organizing study-cases from University of Florida alumni using on-line tools. UF Alumni will share their interdisciplinary experiences and “problems from the field” to be examined by the students.

Gilbert Ayuk

Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Mentor: Michelle Fisher

Gilbert is interested in the design of case studies in physics and astronomy and their implementation within courses. A successful implementation of case studies in the physics and astronomy courses that he teaches will lead to increased student learning, motivation, and higher retention in my courses.

Candice Damiani


University of Pittsburgh
Mentor: Karen Klyczek

Candice teaches a large (200-300 student) section of Foundations of Biology as well as Microbiology (80-120 students) and Immunology (80-120 students). She started implementing case studies after reading about their success and attending the SCN pre-conference meeting at ASMCUE in May of 2013. She is particularly interested in developing case studies to teach immunology concepts.

Daniel Dembkowski

South Dakota State University
Mentor: Aditi Pai


Daniel uses a combination of interactive software (TurningPoint® and Respondus®) and case studies to teach students about sustainable commercial fishing off the Atlantic coast and about removal and reintroduction of gray wolves in Yellowstone National Park. During each case study, various scenarios were presented and students used Clicker® devices (in concert with TurningPoint® and Respondus®) to respond based on the information presented. He is writing a case study in fisheries management with his major advisor.

Heather Eves

The Mona Lisa Molecule Answers List

Virginia Tech and Johns Hopkins SAIS
Mentor: Aditi Pai

As a conservation biologist, Heather focuses on the complex nature of the discipline involving scientific method, qualitative and quantitative biological and social science methodologies, policy, communications, planning and multidisciplinary skills that require a problem based learning approach. I have been teaching with PBL in my conservation courses and began utilizing cases from NCCSTS for an undergraduate biology course I taught last year. Heather’s project is to fully-develop cases that will contribute to her networks in the US, Africa and the Caribbean to assist with improved capacity among graduates in addressing the challenges they face in biodiversity conservation.

Natalie G. Farny

Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Mentor: Pat Marsteller

Natalie is completely redeveloping the Anatomy and Physiology curriculum from scratch. She plans using mini cases that can fit in a 50 minute period for each major organ system She would also like to adapt each mini-case so that it can be used either in small group discussions or with clicker questions for larger groups.

Staci Forgey

Tidewater Community College
Mentor: Michelle Fisher

Staci is planning to write a case study that deals with the Unusual Mortality Event (UME) in dolphins on the east coast.

Vivienne Friday

Iowa Western Community College
Mentor: Michelle Fisher

Vivienne is interested in integrating cases in my teaching nursing courses. This opportunity to integrate cases in the classroom will hopefully result in an increase in the number of students who successfully complete the nursing course and are successful in passing the National Council Licensure Examination and become effective practicing nurses.

Angela Hartsock

University of Akron-Wayne College
Mentor: Drew Kohlhorst

Angela is working on developing a series of microbiology case studies for nursing students. These case studies are based on published infectious disease case reports or epidemiological investigations and adapted to the level of the beginner student. She wants to integrate multiple high level concepts students need to know with real world experiments and data interpretation. She is particularly interested in online methods.

Melissa M Haswell

Central Michigan University
Mentor: Pat Marsteller

Melissa’s project will be part of her “Exploring the Influence of Departmental Acculturation on Teaching Philosophy and Practice of Biology Professors.” The goal of my research is to identify the cultural components of a biology department that influence the types of teaching/learning tools, such as PBL, that they use in their classrooms. She uses problem-based learning activities, such as case studies, in my classes. She will create a project or case study for a pathophysiology class that encompasses current research on how stress, epigenetics, environmental factors, and disruption of the human microbiome are the underlying basis of several major diseases.

The mona lisa molecule answers quizlet

Jeana MacLeod

Memorial University of Newfoundland
Mentor: Clyde Herreid

Jeana is interested in developing a case study for undergraduate science students that can effectively provide a basic understanding of what is policy, an awareness of communication issues between scientists and policy-makers, and an opportunity to develop core policy competencies.

Glenna M. Malcolm

Pennsylvania State University
Mentor: Clyde Herreid

Glenna uses case studies to help students gain higher-ordered thinking skills, such as synthesizing and applying knowledge, in Ecology course. Her issue is properly scaffolding information so students can successfully grapple with the study. The topic is on understanding how carbon cycling is impacted when pastures are converted to corn fields for ethanol production with a broader context of considering biofuel as a sustainable fuel for the future. She is happy to review other case studies as one way of gaining more knowledge about creating effective cases.

Karobi Moitra

Trinity Washington University
Mentor: Clyde Herreid

Karobi wants to develop a case: The Mona Lisa Molecule: Mysteries of DNA Unraveled. This case study aims to teach students about basic aspects of DNA, including DNA structure, the history of its discovery, the key players involved in the discovery, major experiments that were conducted to show that DNA is the genetic material, the central dogma of molecular biology and finally how these groundbreaking discoveries led up to the modern science of molecular biology. This case study can be used as a complete unit to teach DNA structure and it’s discovery, DNA as the genetic material, the central dogma of molecular biology and the applications of molecular biology to modern life. Students will also be required to build a model of DNA similar to that built by Watson and Crick as a group project. Finally the students will incorporate their whole project into a group website.

Sharon E. Mozley-Standridge

Middle Georgia State College
Mentor: Karen Klyczek

Sharon plans to study improvement in understanding, retention and analysis using a more interactive, student-centered method other than lecture or traditional lab. Her project includes an undergraduate non-science majors level for introductory biology and introductory mycology courses.

Sarah Anne Orlofske

Northeastern Illinois University
Mentor: Pat Marsteller

Sarah is interested in case studies and problem based learning activities to allow students to learn the concepts and use that knowledge to devise unique solutions to health related issues in a way that more accurately represents what they will be doing in their future careers. She is using and developing cases for parasitology that might also beused in disease ecology, wildlife management, conservation biology, ecology, and general biology.

Justin A. Pruneski

Heidelberg University
Mentor: Karen Klyczek

Justin wants to incorporate cases into non-majors and majors Intro Biology and Genetics. At a BioQUEST workshop, he worked with other educators to write a case to explore environmental science using large air pollution data sets:

Judith Roe

University of Maine at Presque Isle
Mentor: Drew Kohlhorst

Judith has used cases and plans new ones for General Biology. She wants advide on how best to present and publish the case.

Matt Ruddy

Onondaga Community College
Mentor: Michelle Fisher

Matt teaches Anatomy and Physiology I, a course primarily serves a population of students interested in pursuing a degree in allied health fields. His students write a case study based on a topic covered during the semester. The goal of this assignment is to build a series of case studies that he can use with future students.

Cheston Saunders

Bladen Community College
Mentor: Aditi Pai

Cheston is interested to learn how case studies can be effectively implemented in the virtual environment.

Maureen Schafer

George Mason University
Mentor: Drew Kohlhorst

Maureen will use the Case Study approach in the Nursing in Research undergraduate course. This is a required class for nursing students in their last year of college. The case studies would focus on the scientific process structured and developed through problem based learning (PBL) to approach the real time challenges of bringing evidenced based practice to the patient bedside. The outcome for the student would be the ability to critically assess the scientific process in the literature and then bridge those gold standards into active clinical practice.

Justin Shaffer

University of California, Irvine
Mentor: Drew Kohlhorst

Justin plans on developing a series of cases for a course “From Conception to Birth,” which explores all aspects related to human reproductive anatomy, conception, pregnancy, and birth.

Jessica Megan Steinweg

University of Wisconsin -Baraboo/Sauk County
Mentor: Karen Klyczek

Jessica will be teaching Botany and Microbiology. She would like to develop a problem based learning activity that links those two topics. She would like to focus on microorganisms and plant health, while including an aspect of symbiosis and co-evolution.

Bethany Stone

University of Missouri – Columbia
Mentor: Clyde Herreid

Bethany would like to create cases that fit two criteria: 1) they can be completed in one class period and 2) are aimed at non-science majors in a large lecture class. One idea she proposes uses DNA samples from plants to provide evidence in a murder – an real-life case that would cover concepts such as DNA structure and sequences, restriction enzymes, DNA electrophoresis, that DNA is the same throughout an organism (in this case the plant leaves and the maternal tissues of the fruit), and the genetic diversity of individual plants. She would also like to gather evidence on the effectiveness of the case as measured by 1) student learning, 2) student attitudes towards science in general, and 3) student attitudes towards the content and how it relates to their lives, specifically.


Jennifer M. Wade

Laney College
Mentor: Michelle Fisher

Jennifer wants to develop case studies for Introductory Human Anatomy and Physiology course at Laney College. She is interested in the challenges of introducing case studies in a community college setting due to the very specific and extensive student learning outcomes instructors are expected to meet. And external challenges outside the classroom such as poverty, single parenthood, and even homelessness.

Ellen Wisner

  • New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Mentor: Clyde Herreid

Ellen wants to use case studies in a large Foundations of Ecology and Evolution which is part of the core sequence for Biology majors at NJIT. In her smaller honors course she would like to have small groups of students develop case studies over the course of the semester.

The mona lisa facts

It was only later that I discovered the beauty of the picture too; in that you never know if the madonna is smiling or frowning and the way that is emhasised by the background colours…, jeah my kins got a copy of that painting in their summerhouse…everytime I passed by the lobby I get scared cuz I’ve noticed her smile lol but imma say I’m still young then jeje..but now I f’naly realize it’s just a color contrast or the background colours just what you’ve said..well the funniest too in our school they used to gimme nick as “Mona Lisa” lol Mona lisa is undeniably the most famous painting in the world amongst art history ever produce, it was done by Leonardo da Vinci around 500 years ago and display at the Musée du Louvre in Paris. I remember goes to the lovre a couple of years ago and there was this huge crowd, like 100s of people of clambering around to view this tiny picture. Leonardo da Vinci. This is usually the first sentence in the introduction or first paragraph.

Case Study. Italy’s National Committee for Cultural Heritage.

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welcome, nah the I don’t have…I don’t monetize my wp , Interesting site! Google Classroom Facebook Twitter.

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Make sure that you understand the topic before reading the case study. There really is no right or wrong answer in a case study. 2,623 views. I haven’t bumped on before in my searches! Leonardo and his drawings. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. No one really knows about the real identity of Monalisa until then this case is unclosed. ( Log Out / Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Thanks bud. Did I say view? The day for me started off fairly uneventfully at the Cavendish Laboratory where I work as a laboratory assistant.

Keep up the good work!

Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. NATIONAL CENTER FOR CASE STUDY TEACHING IN SCIENCE “Th e Mona Lisa Molecule” by Karobi Moitra Page 2 Questions 3. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. %���� Virgin of the Rocks.

continue to keep up the great perform buddy. She become the iconic symbol for her beauty and inexplicable look, she is famous for her mystique and enigmatic smile.

To answer questions on a case study examination in the best possible way, read or listen for the topic sentence. User. Mona lisa is undeniably the most famous painting in the world amongst art history ever produce, it was done by Leonardo da Vinci around 500 years ago and display at the Musée du Louvre in Paris. The story of DNA modified by Karobi Moitra.

Leonardo da Vinci.

<> stream The Mona Lisa Molecule No Matter if you are Black or White. ( Log Out / Did You Have Your Cup of Green Tea Lately? I left the room in disgust.

Letter to the Duke of Milan. One of which is by Dr. Lillian Schwartz of Bell Labs suggests that Leonardo painted himself, she support her theory by merging the picture of Leonardo and his famous painting through the use of computer and recognized the facial features were perfectly alligned. 13 0 obj NATIONAL CENTER FOR CASE STUDY TEACHING IN SCIENCE “Th e Mona Lisa Molecule” by Karobi Moitra Page 2 Questions 3. or it’s da Vinci’s self-portrait. Why was it important to solve the structure of DNA? Mona Lisa: Mystery Unfold- Case Unsolved July 9, 2010 . x��XKo�0�ٿ���PE��>�XW���|P����} �`�~��&N�8N�z�8�-���Q�G�Q���Ƥ��NN�8G;D�J�3�}`�J����D���I��p*h��ZQOԳ�sQ�Ng�tv���e��?$}��D�l3j�9l��Z2������ll�j��Y^����-^�ځCrP`�Q$� mT6�dY:����1,X�S��ޑ�yQ=}�Jmcy��*�9�:��˳�*+E.��v�+�I�U�1,��,Ra��;�s:�{�^#.

Who is the girl behind that mysterious smile is she related to Medici family? Virgin of the Rocks. Huntington Gene Audio; Activities.

endobj There was a mark created by varnish accidentally brush onto Mona lisa’s eye and chin opposing the claims that Mona lisa was sick that time when painting was done. or she is the wealthy merchant’s wife? Start studying mona lisa and last supper. 14 0 obj Bluetooth Technology: Is your device talking with one another.

But despite of all of these revelation, the mystery is still unsolved. Case Study Research Design. Email.

Mona Lisa.

The Mona Lisa Molecule Answers 1

Another is Italy’s National Committee for Cultural Heritage, a leading association of scientists and art historians, wanted to dig da Vinci’s skull and rebuild by the use of CSI-style technology to see if he resemble with Mona lisa’s face. Change ), Click the Gravatar above to view my personal links or could it be Da Vinci’s mother? Share; Like; Download. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. | ACAI Berry Best Products, Google Doodle Zipper- Pays Tribute to Gideon Sundback. However no record has found for the identity of this model and there are speculation that Leonardo da Vinci is the one posed for his own masterpiece.

The Mona Lisa Molecule Answers Worksheet

Check out our quiz-page with tests about: Psychology 101; Science; Flags and Countries; Capitals and Countries « Previous Article 'Descriptive Research' Back to Overview 'Research Design' Next Article » 'Naturalistic Observation' Full reference: Martyn Shuttleworth (Apr 1, 2008). Why was it important to .... DNA, Genetics, molecular biology. << /Type /Page /Parent 1 0 R /LastModified (D:20200226091817+01'00') /Resources 2 0 R /MediaBox [0.000000 0.000000 595.276000 841.890000] /CropBox [0.000000 0.000000 595.276000 841.890000] /BleedBox [0.000000 0.000000 595.276000 841.890000] /TrimBox [0.000000 0.000000 595.276000 841.890000] /ArtBox [0.000000 0.000000 595.276000 841.890000] /Contents 14 0 R /Rotate 0 /Group << /Type /Group /S /Transparency /CS /DeviceRGB >> /Annots [ 7 0 R 8 0 R 9 0 R 10 0 R ] /PZ 1 >>

The Mona Lisa Molecule Answers List

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