Diablo 2 Maphack 1.14 D

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Kolton Bot Latest Version Working 1.14D + MH

//Metadatadescription: Medium BH Config //Metadataauthor: Bulleti //Maphack Configuration //Chat colors //1 = Red //2 = Green/null //3 = Blue //4 = Gold/unique //5 = Grey //6 = Black (unreadable) //7 = Dark yellow //8 = Orange //9 = Yellow //10 = Dark green //11 = Purple //12 = Slightly less darker green //13 = White //Chat color Whisper Color.chat1: 8 Whisper Color.chat2: 8 Whisper.

Download Link:https://github.com/kolton/d2bot-with-kolbot

Diablo 2 Maphack 1.14d Download

Diablo 2 Maphack 1.14 D

How to start:

Make sure your Diablo II is running on patch 1.13d as seen below, if you are running a different verison place 114d109Gamegame.exe into your Diablo II folder and run 114d109GameLODPatch113d.exe ###1) Open up the 114d.rar and place D2BS.dll from 114dd2bs into your kolbotd2bs folder. Diablo 2 Lod Maphack V 1.12; Diablo 2 Hacks 1.14d; Empezamos miniserie diablo 2 Lord of Destruction 1.14d con el Necromancer.diablo 2 fue el motivo por el cual me gustaron tanto los rpg como muonline entre Diablo 2 map hack v 1.14d GamesforCharities. #Diablo II 1.14d Version Hack Guide.

Diablo 2 Maphack 1.14 D

Diablo 2 Maphack 1.14 Download


Step 1: Downloading the bot

Diablo 2 Maphack 1.14 D

Download Tortoise SVN: Tortoise SVN Download
Install Tortoise SVN
Create a new folder (usually on desktop to make it easier to find and access) Name it whatever you like (kolbot works) Then right click the folder and go to 'SVN Checkout' Where it says 'URL of repository' Paste in this link https://github.com/kolton/d2bot-with-kolbot/trunk Then click 'OK' to start the SVN checkout process (downloading the bot files) You cannot paste this link https://github.com/kolton/d2bot-with-kolbot/trunk in your address bar and download the bot! YOU MUST USE TORTOISE SVN and the CHECKOUT PROCESS!
It has also been brought to my attention that the newer versions of Tortoise SVN are not allowing the checkout link to work or error out. I suggest an older version like this one ( and DO NOT update so that you can download the bot from the source Tortoise SVN
Once this process is done it should say something like 'Completed At Revision ****' The revision number will change as new versions are released as long as no errors occur continue on.
You must download and install the dependencies for the bot:
.Netframework download
VC++ 2008 download
VC++ 2010 download
If you receive or see an error that says 'You have a higher version installed' or something similar then you can skip that download/install
Text Version from the github (original source) https://github.com/kolton/d2bot-with-kol...ith-kolbot
Video with instructions:

Step 2: Adding your cd keys

Keep in mind you need a FULL key set. Meaning you need both Classic and Expansion keys for this bot to work. They are NOT provided and they MUST be working keys if you wish to use this bot on public battle.net servers. Diablo II/Diablo 2 must be installed and it MUST be on version 1.14d
Find your folder we just made and used the SVN checkout process with I used Kolbot as name of my folder. Inside the folder you need to find 'D2Bot.exe' Right click on this program and go to 'properties' then go to 'compatibility' If you are using Windows 8 or 8.1 you need to use the check box that reads 'Run this program in compatibility mode for' Then click the drop down menu and select 'Windows XP Service Pack 2' EVERYONE on any windows needs to check the checkbox that reads 'Run this program as Administrator' Then click the 'Apply' button. Lastly Click the 'OK' button.
Now try to run 'D2Bot.exe' It should open without errors.
Find the 'Keys' button and click it.
There are different ways to add keys. I will list the most used ones here. You do not need to use multiple methods for the same key. Choose one method per cd key set.
1. Manual addition of keys- Click in the text box that has a + sign next to it and type whatever name you would like for this keyset. This name is for the bots identification purposes and does not affect the game. Next click the 'Name' text box this name WILL be shown in game for the name if someone tries to use these keys and gets the 'In use by key name' error. Put any name you like in this field. Next copy and paste or type out each of your classic and expansion keys in the next two text boxes labeled as 'Classic' and 'Expansion' Then click the 'Apply' button. Then click the 'ok' button.
2. Adding .mpq file keys- This is primarily used if you create cd key files via the key creator or you made them with Etal etc. To use your .mpq files you must place them in the Diablo II folder you are going to use for this bot. Ex: ImageThen we will find the 'Keys' button and click it. Click in the text box that has a + sign next to it and type whatever name you would like for this keyset. This name is for the bots identification purposes and does not affect the game. Next click the 'Name' text box. This is where we place the name of the .mpq file we copied over to our diablo 2 folder earlier. The file names must match exactly! EX: d2key1.mpq Leave the 'Classic' and 'Expansion' sections blank. Click 'Apply' and then click 'OK'.
3. Use the cd key set that was used with your Diablo II install. If you installed your copy of Diablo II using your OWN keys or keys that WORK and you want to use those... wait until a later step and I will show how to do this method. (Easiest method/Most dangerous method).
Video Instructions here:

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