Solid Edge St9 Maintenance Pack

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Solid Edge ST9 Microsoft Installer (MSI) Maintenance Pack 12 is available for download. Microsoft Installer (MSI) Maintenance Packs – Solid Edge ST9 Maintenance Packs are delivered as and installed using Microsoft Installer (MSI) technology. Solid Edge MSI based Maintenance Packs are tracked. PR 7922996: Solid Edge is crashing after creating wire harness. PR 8528424: Solid Edge is crashing when reopening this assembly file. PR 7938545: MRU Thumbnail not show for alt assemblies. PR 7967585: Solid Edge keeps crashing randomly. PR 8327420: Crash when exiting sketch after placing a block. Solid Edge ST7 Maintenance Pack 6 for Solid Edge is now available for download. Maintenance Packs are released for CRITICAL items only. Maintenance Packs are available up to a maximum of 15 months following the release date of the English version. The release date for Solid Edge ST7 English was 08/08/14, making the Maintenance Pack cutoff date.

“Windows 10 is scheduled to release in late 2015 after Solid Edge ST8 is released. We will test ST8 on Windows 10 and plan to announce support of Windows 10 with Internet Explorer 11 in ST9 and in an ST8 Maintenance Pack after testing is completed and any critical issues are resolved. Solid Edge will not support the new Windows 10 browser.”.

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Release Notes:

Product: Solid Edge
Date: 05-Jul-2012

Maintenance Packs are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base
release or any released Maintenance Pack.

Solid Edge St9 Maintenance Pack Download

This Maintenance Pack can be installed on top of Versions:,,,,,, or

End of Release Notes

Installation Notes:

After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, unbundle the zip file and
then dbl click on exe to install the Maintenance Pack.

Windows 7 Installation tips: In addition to turning off UAC, right click on the exe
and select 'run as administrator' to complete the installation.

Windows 7 Tip: Most of the UAC security conflicts on Win7 can be avoided by installing
Solid Edge somewhere other than the default “Program Files” folder. Install in a location
like c:SolidEdge that the user has full permission to write to.

End of Installation

This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:


PR 1898844: Cannot create reference to sub assembly coordinate system using API


PR 1880141: Frame cross section not being centered on frame path segments
PR 1883573: Solid Edge shutting down when editing an assembly in property manager
PR 6578406: Frames seems excessively slow to produce members or changes
PR 6601371: Discrete & Range Limits removed from Angle Constraint after Edit
PR 6720944: Unable to transfer parts into a subassembly
PR 1895773: Reproducible network problems, so that an opened file cannot be saved
PR 6678070: Fastener system is not picking up the desired washer size
PR 2197531: hidden parts are getting turned back on after IPA/Close
PR 1897377: Dimension does not update in XpresRoute
PR 1834267: Tear-off sketch is offset from original sketch
Note: This fix applies to newly created sketches/planes, existing data is still incorrect.

Solid edge st9 basics


PR 1898998: Drawing view shading is not correct when display depth is specified
PR 6706497: Text box not automatically adjusting aspect ratio
PR 6720817: Cannot open embedded excel attachment by double clicking in ST4
PR 6726715: Unable to see added rows and columns to embedded .xlsx file
PR 1875965: Dimensions of 2D model view and Blocks are displayed at scale 1:1
PR 1901768: Connectors show lines back to origin when opened in ST4 MP4 or later
PR 1902461: Unable to open dwg files made in AutoCAD LT 2006
PR 1902946: Feature control frame is modifying the leader line angle, when moving
PR 1903162: crosshatch is missing in drawing view with PMI sections
PR 6734597: Detail view is OOD and does not update with Update Views


PR 1893522: File load failure opening assembly after setting inactivate drawing view for review
PR 2190774: Insight upload and Add-To-Library failures using all Chinese Insight (server and client)
PR 6691601: Unable to successfully run the Create Full Text Search Index command
PR 6740350: File names for draft files set incorrectly when revising parts

Part/Profile/Sheet Metal

PR 1897941: Simulation Express, temporary files created in Temp folder are not deleted
PR 6635204: Cannot open NX8 part file in ST4 MP2
PR 1902199: Extent surface to keypoint does not work
PR 1902800: Problem with coordinate system that is relative to another coordinate system

Solid Edge Embedded Client

Solid Edge St9 Viewer Maintenance Pack

PR 1858790: Cannot reset the sort order on criteria in the Open -> Search dialog
PR 1893845: During Save Operation, Item ID overrides Item Name, LOV disappears
PR 6634718: Publishing virtual components creates incorrect child count in sub-assemblies
PR 6669077: Teamcenter error shown on saving part file without assigning values for mapped property
PR 6721594: Solid Edge Crashes during file open
PR 6719747: ST2 listed assemblies during BOM synch check and ST4 does not
PR 1880013: Multi-CAD w/ NX structures not synchronized after changes to NX structure
PR 1902443: Can't use SEEC ST4 MP6 with 'comma' decimal separator
PR 6680750: SEEC Administrator Changes to Support Teamcenter 9.1
PR 6723514: Can't open NX assembly in Solid Edge in Teamcenter managed environment
PR 6738220: Enhance TALLog to include Timers around more Teamcenter Service calls
PR 6740845: Solid Edge aborts opening NX assembly files with SEEC


Affected Software: Solid Edge
Revision: 7.0
End of Maintenance dates for the Solid Edge suite of products are listed below. These dates represent when Siemens PLM Software will discontinue Maintenance Pack support along with the last Teamcenter release supported. No further Maintenance Packs will be issued for the corresponding Solid Edge version after these dates.

When a Solid Edge release reaches the End of Maintenance, any Teamcenter release, service pack, maintenance pack or patch released after that date is not supported.

This field bulletin begins with the announcement of Solid Edge ST6 End of Maintenance. All Solid Edge releases prior to ST6 are End of Maintenance.

Solid Edge St9 Basics

| Solid Edge | Last MP | Teamcenter Releases*,**| EoM***|
| ST6 (V106) | MP14|,| 28-APR-2015 |
| ST6 (V106) | MP14| TcX 9.1.2 + 9.1.2_PR6846318_fix | 28-APR-2015 |
| ST7 (V107) | MP11|,| 09-FEB-2016 |
| ST8 (V108) | MP12| | 10-FEB-2017 |
| ST8 (V108) | MP12|,, 10.1.6, 10.1.7 | 01-FEB-2017 |
| ST8 (V108) | MP12| 11.2.1, 11.2.2, 11.2.3 | 01-FEB-2017 |
| ST8 (V108) | MP12| Standalone: AW2.4, AW3.0,3.1,3.2| 01-FEB-2017 |
| ST9 (V109) ||, 10.1.6, 10.1.7 | 15-OCT-2017 |
| ST9 (V109) || 11.2.1, 11.2.2, 11.2.3, 11.3 | 15-OCT-2017 |
| ST9 (V109) || Standalone: AW3.0,3.1,3.2,3.3| 15-OCT-2017 |
| ST9 (V109) || Hosted: AW3.1,3.2,3.3 | 15-OCT-2017 |
| ST10(V110) | ****|, 10.1.6, 10.1.7 | OCT-2018 |
| ST10(V110) | ****| 11.2.1, 11.2.2, 11.2.3, 11.3 | OCT-2018 |
| ST10(V110) | ****| Standalone: AW3.1,3.2,3.3 | OCT-2018 |
| ST10(V110) | ****| Hosted: AW3.1,3.2,3.3 | OCT-2018 |
*All referenced Teamcenter releases are Teamcenter Unified versions unless noted.
**Where applicable, additional lines were added for Active Workspace compatibility.
***EoM = End of Maintenance
****Solid Edge ST10 compatibility is provided for planning purposes only.
The matrix is subject to change up to the release of ST10.
Note1: Teamcenter Rapid Start and Teamcenter have the same compatibility schedule.
Note2: Solid Edge ST7 is not compatible with Teamcenter 8.x or Teamcenter 11.2.x
Note3: Solid Edge ST8 is the last release supporting Teamcenter 9.1
Note4: Solid Edge ST9 is not compatible with Teamcenter 9.1 or previous releases.
Note5: Solid Edge ST9 was the first release supporting hosted Active Workspace.
17-FEB-2017: Solid Edge ST8 reached End of Maintenance with maintenance pack 12.
These are the latest compatible Teamcenter product release and service pack (SP)
with Solid Edge ST8 maintenance pack 12 (ST8 MP12).
1) ST8 MP12 will be tested with Teamcenter 10.1 service pack 7 (10.1.7)
2) ST8 MP12 will be tested with Teamcenter 11.2 service pack 3 (11.2.3)
3) ST8 MP12 will be tested with AW 3.2 in a standalone browser

Solid Edge St9 Crack

GTAC will continue to provide telephone support for Solid Edge and attempt to duplicate problems on the version of software the problem is reported on (when available) and on the current version of the product. GTAC will not file a Problem Report unless the problem can be duplicated in an active maintenance version of the product. If the problem does not occur in the latest version of the software, the customer will be asked to upgrade to the current version to correct the problem.

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